A lot of Hype right now going on for Diablo 3. I am not buying into this, so much hype for a overhead RTS game. It's cool but was cooler in the year 2001 not 2011.
I cannot see dropping 60 bucks for a game like this when you can go by Torchlight on steam for like 20 bucks and looks as good ...personally I would rather support a new company then blizzard which churns out same stuff over and over. Spread the wealth type of thinking.
- Torchlite 2
- - mod-able
- - custom stats
- - talent tree
- - LAN!!!
- - multi-player
- - offline mode
- - no online requirement
- - death penalty
- - only $20
- Diablo 3:
- $59.99
- - p2w
- - NO lan/mods/talent tree/custom stats and death penalty
- - online requirement
torchlight's official game page:
Steam page for torchlite:
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